Tuesday 6 November 2012

I gave in to the combs and the cones :(

Recently I have had enough of my hair so I bought a wig, some rollers, and a diffuser.  Ok, the wig look okish but defo couldn't wear to work.  I  bought paul mitchell conditioner which has cones in it and once I used that it's like I cracked.  On a plus side, I have semi straightened my hair using bantu knots.  I also used a comb and more cones, my hair feels so much softer with the cones!  Do think I may have pulled out quite a lot of hair but on the plus side, I won't be washing my hair for about two weeks because I won't have to keep washing it to revive the curls.  The main thing tho is I haven't used heat or shampoo with alcohol.  I last for over two months so deserve some credit!

Saturday 22 September 2012

The Twist Out

I have been chopping and hacking my hair!  The ends of my hair was so damaged from heat and looked awful!.  I have chopped it to shoulder length own and it looks much better.  I have to keep telling myself that healthy hair is better than length!

Anyways, so I tried a twist out on Friday and it looked very messy but the twists that were done correctly looked loved.  I think it didn't come out right due to too much product, dead ends, not all twists were the same size, not many twists.

Today, I washed my hair again.
I detangled my hair dry with tresemme naturals, co washed and detangled again, rinsed out conditioner, saturated hair with conditioner, towel dried hair until it was damp, added kinky curly knot today, ecostyler( a small amount) and jojoba oil.  I have started to treat the middle of my hair differently as I recognised the curls are tighter and drier so I seperate that section from the rest and put it in a saturated with conditioner bun.  I tend did two strand twists, spritizing water when I needed to and adding coconut oil to really dry parts.  The ends of my hair I used shea butter to hold the ends in place, not sure if it will work but tried. I had about 10 twists on each sided and then placed all my hair in a satin bonnet.  I will await the results.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

CG method

Since the last post I have washed my hair three times!  Not because I need to but but because I wanted to try out the curly girl method.  I have been following loads of youtubers but my favourite at the moment is mahogany curls.  I did my own cg method today and did the following:-

Co washed my hair with Tresemme Naturals and jojoba oil, the latter to help with moisturing.  I do not use alot of the oil.  I then washed everything out and put the conditioner and oil on again and detangled my hair.  I saturated my hair in conditioner.  I then did the acordion method all over my hair and then left it, no touching, shaking, actually I did naughtily part my hair with a comb for a middle part.  After an hour I lightly scrunched my hair with kitchen towel where I saw white bits.  I have also decided that my goal is for my hair to look healthy and free, maybe slightly frizzy  like the pics below.

Thursday 30 August 2012

My hair nightmare

Ok, so I have long hair but chose to put a weave in because it will be easier to get up and go, give my hair a break from straightening, easier during bikram ( yes, the bikram I have not returned to).  I kept it in for just over three months and stupidly did not comb my hair through before washing it, yes I know, I am a total idiot.  As a result, my hair matted big time!  I ended up having to rip half my hair out and as a result a waste of giving my hair a break and the growth, well all it all got ripped out. So...my plan is, firstly to stop moping around about it!

Eat healthy and take vitamins - Currently taking biotin, sea kelp, vitamin A and cod liver oil.  Thinking of getting a pre natal, sea kelp, msm and silica gel.  Need to eat more greens, I liquidise fruits each day but need to eat more veg.
Use better hair products - no sulfate, parabens, alcohol or silicones.
Moisturise hair daily
Massage scalp daily
Read curly girl method book and grow it book
Try different hair styles, see below

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Not on the bandwagon yet!

Ok, so being teetotal did not last long.  But....I definately drink in moderation as in I may drink alcohol if I am out every two weeks or less.  Even when I do drink I know when to stop.  I also paid £77 and went to Bikram yoga once last month which is an absolute waste of money! There is a deal on at the moment, £150 for 45 days, I am going to sign up to that and if I can't manage to keep it up then maybe I am just to lazy to go. I finally got my smooth maker and food processor so have been making lots of smoothies, I just need to start using the other food processor now.

Also been thinking about my finances, I have 8k saved and want to have saved 13k by 31st May 2013.  I have no idea what I am saving for my the way, it's definately nice to have financial stability though. I have made a savings plan which I think is realistic as it takes into account my bills and holidays.  I also consider that I may be £1000 +/- each way but I will stick to it as much as I can:-

August 31st - pay for flight 500 and  200 to savings
September 30th - 700 to savings
October 31st - 700 to savings
November 30th - Spending money and hotels 1000 and 200 to savings
December 31st - Sales 300 to savings
January 31st - 700 to savings
February 28th - 700 to savings
March 31st - 700 to savings
April 30th - 700 to savings
May 31st  - 700 to savings

Goals -
Continue to work towards chartership- currently not feeling motivated at work and my time management is terrible, I totally procrastinate  all the time.  I will be chartered so I don't have to answer to people or be supervised.  I can be independent, sign up to agencies and be my own BOSS!
Continue to eat healthily- currently I binge eat and this tends to be when I am round others, it may be the social aspect or it may be to show people that I can.  I find it hard to east in moderation but I am working on that.  I have to watch what I am eating to have a healthy heart and live longer. 
Continue to excercise- similar to reasons above, want to be more toned, to help heart and scoliosis.  I just want to relax when I am not a work not go and excercise spending my free time.  I will look at it as using my free time effectively.
Continue to read get rich books- Never believed in self help books but I am 31 now and still renting, I would like to earn more than 27k a year, at least 50k would make me happy.  I will start of with the richest man in babylon.
Continue to save to save 20k by the end of the 2013- Just 12 k to go, I am definately going to reach there.  Would get there quicker if I wasn't so frivilous with my money.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Falling off the wagon :(

I have not been back to Bikram Yoga since the 26th April.  Tut tut!  I was doing really well by going approximately 4 times a week.  Why have I not been back so long you ask?  I have been to Berlin, Paris and Greece since then so there seemed to be no point paying for an £150 monthly pass or £15 for one session. But...I have got my £975 sitting there to pay for a annual membership.  As I have fallen off the wagon slightly with my healthy eating and quiet frankly my body feels awful, lacking energy and feeling generally boated.  I want to get back to my healthy eating for a week and then I will pay for my membership.  In a week or two.

Also, to help me get healthier, on the 22nd June will be two years since I have given up meat and I have decided on this anniversary I am going to go teetotal and give up alcohol.  Lately because my body has been clean when I have consumed large quantities of alcohol I have felt awful.  In addition, I am not very good a drinking only small amounts, lol.  Also, I have a heart condition and I am actually suppose to drink either limited amounts or no alcohol.  So, another reason to give it up and increase my coconut water and smoothie intake.  That reminds me, need to buy food processor.

Have been thinking about tasty healthy snacks but it's diffiicult.  Pretzels, Popcorn, Almonds, Coconut Pieces, Dr Karg's crackers, Nairn's oatcakes, caffe nero dark chocolate covered coffee beans, fruits, sounds a wee bit boring :(

Monday 13 February 2012

Bikram poses

13th day of Bikram Yoga

Today was definately the worse day by far.  I drank gallons of water, had lots of sleep, ate healthily but alas....I started blacking out in class today.  I felt slightly defeated as I started thinking oh no, Bikram Yoga is not for me.  However, I talked my way into to staying and rested on the mat and took part when I could but lightly.  I'm glad I stayed, if I left the room, think it may have been difficult to return. 

Diet and Excercise

Excercise today: Bikram Yoga
Breakfast: Fruit and Fibre
Lunch: Bean Salad
Dinner:Potato Rosti and Battered Cod
Snacks: Crisps x 2 ( I deserved this after my stressful class!), kiwis x 2, banana, peanuts, pretzels

Overdraft Limit: £1100
Credit card
: £450
Savings: £5340

Sunday 12 February 2012

12th day of Bikram yoga

Bought absolutely loads of fruit and veg today because I have found that I have been lacking in energy!  Class was intense but a really good class.  I am getting much better at the poses and learning something new each day :)

Diet and Excercise

Excercise today: Bikram Yoga
Breakfast: Fruit and Fibre
Lunch: Fish Fingers, mushrooms and Pease
Dinner:Potato and Cheese Casserole

Overdraft Limit: £1100
Credit card
: £450
Savings: £5340

Saturday 11 February 2012

11th day of Bikram yoga

Definately preder bikram yoga to Zumba! Cannot believe I have been to Bikram yoga each day for 11 days straight!  Really didn't think I would keep it up but I absolutely love it !!!!!  First I'll discuss the benefits.  My skin is glowing and believe or not my hair has grown in such a short space of time, better digestive system, my body is more toned, undereye circles fading, eye whites are whiter and I am so much calmer and have a clearer mind. Due to the intenstity of the workout I have tried to change eating habits.  So here is what I have incorporated into diet:-

4 litres of water a day ( includes a cup of green tea and any cup of herbal tea with lemon in it), sounds a lot but you sweat so much your body automatically wants it and this is coming from someone who barely drank a litre of water a day.
Peanuts - Mr G said that I should eat this for muscle repair ? 
Fruit and Fibre or Muesli daily -  For digestive system to cleaner your stomach the better the yoga
Actimel - Same as above
Coconut water - to help with rehudration and replacing lost electrolytes?
Vitamins - I have bad joints which I'm hoping the yoga will help so I am taking Cod liver oil with omega 3, vitamin a, vitamin d, calcium and MSM.  A lot I know, I need advice on this.

Please note I am not saying this is for everyone, it is what I am currently trying out for me.  I have to say I was just saying to Mr G that I feel like a bodybuidler or professional athelete watching my diet alllll day!

Negatives of Bikram yoga-
-I am having at the moment is my knees as described above,  they have started to get worse but I am going to see my podiatrist in Friday for advice.
-The cost!  It's expensive!  Because I am a beginner, I am paying £30 for unlimited 30 day pass.  Also, if I want to pay £149 for an unlimited month pass after I will get the next month free so I will definatley pay next month.  I honestly do not what will happen afterwards!
-The Bikram yoga kit, it is so annoying carrying everything around, but.... I have seen a pretty pricey lightweight and very stylish sweaty betty bag which is perfect for sweaty garments.  I will also get a microfibre towel and yoga slip mat. I also need to by double of things so I can leave it in my bikram kit bag.  Pay day is going to be an expensive one!  I have to say though the benefits are just incredible so I forget about the negatives.

Diet and Excercise

Excercise today: Bikram Yoga
Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Cheese Toastie x 2  (So naughty but so yummy)
Dinner:Potato and Cheese Casserole
Snacks: After Eight, an Orange, an apple

Overdraft Limit: £1100
Credit card
: £450
Savings: £5340

Thursday 2 February 2012

2nd day of 30 day Bikram yoga challenge

Second day of bikram yoga and I reaaaallly struggled!  Going to try eating more in the day next time I go in the evening to see if that helps.  For a second I thought of giving up!
Diet and Excercise
Excercise today: Bikram Yoga
Lunch:Mushroom soup and breadsticks
Dinner: Salmon and Cannellini Beans
Snacks: 3 luxury chocolates, cornflakes

Overdraft Limit: £1100
Credit card
: £469
Savings: £5340

Wednesday 1 February 2012

My First Bikram Yoga session

First Bikram Yoga class today and it was fantastic, whilst it is hard you get lots of relaxed excercises too so you have time to relax, breath and sip water!  I kid you not though the excercises if you put your all in to it are hard and you sweat, sweat, sweat!  Have decided that I am going to not drink alcohol this month either, better detox and save money!

Diet and Excercise

Excercise today: Bikram Yoga
Breakfast: Porridge
Lunch: Seasoned Cannelini Beans
Dinner: Pasta, Pizza and Cheesecake
Snacks: Apple, yorkie bar, packet of crisps, 2 ryvita crackers, Gummi bears

Overdraft Limit: £1100
Credit card
: £460
Savings: £5340

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Making justifications not to excercise already :(


Today was such a stressful and long day at work.  Getting up at 5.15am may be normal to some people but it sure ain't to me!  Anyways, worked from 7.30am to 4.30pm with a 45 minute break and I am knackered!  Thought to myself that I could start Bikram yoga but then looked on today's schedule and the only class left was starting in 5 minutes and the next class (last one of the day) had a note stating that first time students are not guaranteed a place due to that time being a busy time period.  Feeling quite dissapointed with myself because I could have gone to see if I got a place but didn't even try. May do some WII fit to make up for it :) Also, starting to realise my food consumption is pretty poor.  From tomorrow, I am going to make an effort to start eating cereal or a breakfast bar maybe?  Also, work colleague suggested that I can make lots of yummie bean receipes so I'm going to add that to my shopping list.


I have now done 1/2 hour of yoga on the WII fit.  Hey, it's better than nothing :)

Diet and Excercise
Excercise today: 1/2 hour of WII Fit
Breakfast: Nil
Lunch: A crunchie, packet of crisps, tin of soup and 1 orange
Dinner: Chips
Snacks: Bowl of Alpen

Overdraft Limit: £1100 ( I paid of £900 today, yay!)
Credit card
: £465
Savings: £5340

Monday 30 January 2012

My first Zumba class

Had my first Zumba class today!  I'm not going to lie, it was difficult but I powered through so feeling pretty proud of myself.  Definately want to attend again next Monday, it was so much fun!

Diet and Excercise
Excercise today: Zumba class
Breakfast: 2 oranges
Lunch: Cream of Celery Soup
Dinner: Veggie Mince Lasagna
Snacks: 3 Ryvita Crackers , 8 Breadsticks and 2 mini muffins

Overdraft Limit: £2000 ( I need to reduce it so I don't keep maxxing it out!)
Credit card
: £465
Savings: £5340

Sunday 29 January 2012

The beginning.......

Ok, so, where do I start???  I'm 30 years of age, in a good relationship, good job, good friends and a good social life but what I don't have are hobbies.  I have none, zero, zilch, nada!!!  Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my family, friends and Mr G, but....I really need to find a hobbie or hobbies!  I love makeup, fashion, hair, the normal girlie stuff but that's all on the surface of 'the temple', so now I think it's time to look after the inside of 'the temple'. So thought I would start of with looking at hobbies related to looking after my body.  I'm relatively healthy, a pescatarian ( I eat fish but not meat), 5"6 and 9st 3lbs, so no need to loose weight but I do need to improve my overall fitness!  I hate the gym and find it difficult to motivate myself and run so I'm trying to find more exciting ways of staying healthy which won't cost me an arm and a leg!  So this week I am going to start Zumba and Bikram yoga and have signed up to a healthy snack website called graze (www.graze.com).  The Zumba class is £5 and I am going to sign up as a beginner for Bikram Yoga so will pay £30 for an unlimited 30 day pass.  I will document my diet and any excercise at the end of each post.

I am also trying to get my finances in order so will be documenting at the end of each post how I'm getting on.  So I guess this is kind of a semi personal diary as well as just a blog.

Let's see how it all goes.............

Diet and Excercise
Excercise today: Nil
Breakfast: 2 oranges
Lunch: 3 boiled eggs, 1 tin of baked beans, 2 slices of buttered brown bread
Dinner: Veggie Mince Lasagna
Snacks: 2 Ryvita Crackers

Overdraft Limit: £2000 ( I need to reduce it so I don't keep maxxing it out!)
Credit card
: £470
Savings: £5340