Sunday 29 January 2012

The beginning.......

Ok, so, where do I start???  I'm 30 years of age, in a good relationship, good job, good friends and a good social life but what I don't have are hobbies.  I have none, zero, zilch, nada!!!  Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my family, friends and Mr G, but....I really need to find a hobbie or hobbies!  I love makeup, fashion, hair, the normal girlie stuff but that's all on the surface of 'the temple', so now I think it's time to look after the inside of 'the temple'. So thought I would start of with looking at hobbies related to looking after my body.  I'm relatively healthy, a pescatarian ( I eat fish but not meat), 5"6 and 9st 3lbs, so no need to loose weight but I do need to improve my overall fitness!  I hate the gym and find it difficult to motivate myself and run so I'm trying to find more exciting ways of staying healthy which won't cost me an arm and a leg!  So this week I am going to start Zumba and Bikram yoga and have signed up to a healthy snack website called graze (  The Zumba class is £5 and I am going to sign up as a beginner for Bikram Yoga so will pay £30 for an unlimited 30 day pass.  I will document my diet and any excercise at the end of each post.

I am also trying to get my finances in order so will be documenting at the end of each post how I'm getting on.  So I guess this is kind of a semi personal diary as well as just a blog.

Let's see how it all goes.............

Diet and Excercise
Excercise today: Nil
Breakfast: 2 oranges
Lunch: 3 boiled eggs, 1 tin of baked beans, 2 slices of buttered brown bread
Dinner: Veggie Mince Lasagna
Snacks: 2 Ryvita Crackers

Overdraft Limit: £2000 ( I need to reduce it so I don't keep maxxing it out!)
Credit card
: £470
Savings: £5340

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