Saturday 22 September 2012

The Twist Out

I have been chopping and hacking my hair!  The ends of my hair was so damaged from heat and looked awful!.  I have chopped it to shoulder length own and it looks much better.  I have to keep telling myself that healthy hair is better than length!

Anyways, so I tried a twist out on Friday and it looked very messy but the twists that were done correctly looked loved.  I think it didn't come out right due to too much product, dead ends, not all twists were the same size, not many twists.

Today, I washed my hair again.
I detangled my hair dry with tresemme naturals, co washed and detangled again, rinsed out conditioner, saturated hair with conditioner, towel dried hair until it was damp, added kinky curly knot today, ecostyler( a small amount) and jojoba oil.  I have started to treat the middle of my hair differently as I recognised the curls are tighter and drier so I seperate that section from the rest and put it in a saturated with conditioner bun.  I tend did two strand twists, spritizing water when I needed to and adding coconut oil to really dry parts.  The ends of my hair I used shea butter to hold the ends in place, not sure if it will work but tried. I had about 10 twists on each sided and then placed all my hair in a satin bonnet.  I will await the results.

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