Tuesday 31 January 2012

Making justifications not to excercise already :(


Today was such a stressful and long day at work.  Getting up at 5.15am may be normal to some people but it sure ain't to me!  Anyways, worked from 7.30am to 4.30pm with a 45 minute break and I am knackered!  Thought to myself that I could start Bikram yoga but then looked on today's schedule and the only class left was starting in 5 minutes and the next class (last one of the day) had a note stating that first time students are not guaranteed a place due to that time being a busy time period.  Feeling quite dissapointed with myself because I could have gone to see if I got a place but didn't even try. May do some WII fit to make up for it :) Also, starting to realise my food consumption is pretty poor.  From tomorrow, I am going to make an effort to start eating cereal or a breakfast bar maybe?  Also, work colleague suggested that I can make lots of yummie bean receipes so I'm going to add that to my shopping list.


I have now done 1/2 hour of yoga on the WII fit.  Hey, it's better than nothing :)

Diet and Excercise
Excercise today: 1/2 hour of WII Fit
Breakfast: Nil
Lunch: A crunchie, packet of crisps, tin of soup and 1 orange
Dinner: Chips
Snacks: Bowl of Alpen

Overdraft Limit: £1100 ( I paid of £900 today, yay!)
Credit card
: £465
Savings: £5340

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