Monday 13 February 2012

13th day of Bikram Yoga

Today was definately the worse day by far.  I drank gallons of water, had lots of sleep, ate healthily but alas....I started blacking out in class today.  I felt slightly defeated as I started thinking oh no, Bikram Yoga is not for me.  However, I talked my way into to staying and rested on the mat and took part when I could but lightly.  I'm glad I stayed, if I left the room, think it may have been difficult to return. 

Diet and Excercise

Excercise today: Bikram Yoga
Breakfast: Fruit and Fibre
Lunch: Bean Salad
Dinner:Potato Rosti and Battered Cod
Snacks: Crisps x 2 ( I deserved this after my stressful class!), kiwis x 2, banana, peanuts, pretzels

Overdraft Limit: £1100
Credit card
: £450
Savings: £5340

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