Tuesday 6 November 2012

I gave in to the combs and the cones :(

Recently I have had enough of my hair so I bought a wig, some rollers, and a diffuser.  Ok, the wig look okish but defo couldn't wear to work.  I  bought paul mitchell conditioner which has cones in it and once I used that it's like I cracked.  On a plus side, I have semi straightened my hair using bantu knots.  I also used a comb and more cones, my hair feels so much softer with the cones!  Do think I may have pulled out quite a lot of hair but on the plus side, I won't be washing my hair for about two weeks because I won't have to keep washing it to revive the curls.  The main thing tho is I haven't used heat or shampoo with alcohol.  I last for over two months so deserve some credit!

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