Saturday 9 June 2012

Falling off the wagon :(

I have not been back to Bikram Yoga since the 26th April.  Tut tut!  I was doing really well by going approximately 4 times a week.  Why have I not been back so long you ask?  I have been to Berlin, Paris and Greece since then so there seemed to be no point paying for an £150 monthly pass or £15 for one session. But...I have got my £975 sitting there to pay for a annual membership.  As I have fallen off the wagon slightly with my healthy eating and quiet frankly my body feels awful, lacking energy and feeling generally boated.  I want to get back to my healthy eating for a week and then I will pay for my membership.  In a week or two.

Also, to help me get healthier, on the 22nd June will be two years since I have given up meat and I have decided on this anniversary I am going to go teetotal and give up alcohol.  Lately because my body has been clean when I have consumed large quantities of alcohol I have felt awful.  In addition, I am not very good a drinking only small amounts, lol.  Also, I have a heart condition and I am actually suppose to drink either limited amounts or no alcohol.  So, another reason to give it up and increase my coconut water and smoothie intake.  That reminds me, need to buy food processor.

Have been thinking about tasty healthy snacks but it's diffiicult.  Pretzels, Popcorn, Almonds, Coconut Pieces, Dr Karg's crackers, Nairn's oatcakes, caffe nero dark chocolate covered coffee beans, fruits, sounds a wee bit boring :(

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